Your connection to Mop and/or Suz
I went to high school with Suz and after 7 years of knowing each other we finally like each other ;) I was introduced to the lovely Mop by the equally lovely Shendelle, Hi!
Your most embarrassing moment
I find it difficult to distinguish one from the next really... I fall over quite a lot, most recently into a takeaway shop. The all time best I believe was trying to leapfrog over a concrete post wearing a floor length skirt... I cleared the post but my skirt didn't and I ended up a twisted heap at the bottom of the post with my skirt still attached to it.
What you do for a living
Social Worker
Most memorable moment
I can't pick one sorry, all of life is a series of memorable moments otherwise what would be the point?
Person (dead or alive) that you would most like to meet and why
For purely random reasons, right at this moment, Malcolm X
A random fact (or facts) about you that not many people know
I have no coordination, I wear contact lenses, I give bad advice when drunk apparently.... oh and I am incapable of cooking chicken without assistance.
Favourite place in the world and why
At the moment it would be driving up the coast in my car simply coz I can't do it, otherwise its my room, just coz its mine.
Worst drunken moment
Oh the choices are endless. The worst ones are usually when I talk too much at the wrong time in front of the wrong people, usually without realising. But I still think the winner was Kel's 19th. So hideous that they wouldn't allow me into the breakwater, which has to be bad.
Describe your plan to take over the world
It involves me and a megaphone... if that doesn't work then i'm beat
Everyone knows you're around around when they hear the words...
' Oh you mong'
If you had a superpower, what would it be?
The ability to choose a new superpower every day of the week so I could morph, fly, be stretchy and invisible, or super strong or oooh one of those silver surfy type ones.
Song that you can't get out of your head
At the moment its 'don't cry for me argentina' becuase the tannoy system at the airport in Paris sounded JUST like it! Previously it was 'is this the way to Amarillo' accompanied by embarassing striding movements.
Your worst habit / idiosyncrasy
Being incredibly indecisive and saying what I think too often
Favourite quote
Oh god... I'm sure this should be a thoughtful poignant life changing type of quote, so why is the only thing that I can think of "mer-man......mer-MAN!"
If you could be any kitchen utensil, what would you be and why?
SPOON! Coz i think they are funny looking little things and they really, really hurt when you get hit with them.
Say something nice about us:
I think that you are both really incredibly ridiculously good looking and altogether very odd!