Sarah aka Bay aka Sis
1. Your connection to Mop and/or Suz
Mop is my little sis - bless her cotton socks
2. Your most embarrassing moment
I would have to say about 20years ago (holy crap that makes me sound old!) when I fell on our lounge room coffee table. The table had a glass top which went straight through my butt - my mum placed me butt side up on her bed so blood wouldn't go everywhere and her friends came over and each of them had to have a peek :o( I then had to bare all to the doctor who stitched it up - who also happened to be a friend of the family! Other than that most likely something I have done when incoherent.
3. What you do for a living
I am the Retail Admin Manager for a shopping centre.
4. Most memorable moment
When I was prosed to.....I imagine the next one will be the wedding hehe and er... prop when my sis was born xx
5. Person (dead or alive) that you would most like to meet and why
Marilyn Monroe - I think she would have many stories to tell that to this day have gone unknown. And my Dad's parents as the passed on before I had a chance to know them
6. A random fact (or facts) about you that not many people know
Think I have to pass on that one. Mop you could prob come up with something!
[*Ed note: She can also lick her own back lol]
7. Favourite place in the world and why
At this moment I would have to say Kalbarri as I have so many memories there (both good and bad but I wouldn't trade any of themfor the world)
8. Worst drunken moment
Falling of a bar stool in the middle of a crowded pub with nothing behind me to break the fall- OUCH!
9. Describe your plan to take over the world
Well I happen to be marrying a master strategist - so whatever he has in mind I would agree!
11. If you had a superpower, what would it be?
I would join the Jedi clan with Mops
12. Song that you can't get out of your head
At the moment Little Dune Buggy is playing on the radio and I am guessing it will be stuck in my head all day now.
13. Your worst habit / idiosyncrasy
Screwing my nose up to push my glasses back up
14. Favourite quote
'I assure you she will sink, she's made of iron sir!' Mr. Andrews from the
movie Titanic
15. If you could be any kitchen utensil, what would you be and why?
An icecream scoop?? Maybe a lemon zester??
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