You have reached a franchise site of the Mop and Suzie empire, aka the Adventures of Mop and Suzie. This one's about our friends, aquaintances, losers who we happen to associate with, and perhaps some randoms that we have met along the way.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


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Your connection to Mop and/or Suz
Grew up with Suz and met the lovely Mop through Shendelle.

Your most embarrassing moment
Well I think I could take my pick of public stacks. Falling flat on my face in front of my work crew at a busy Subi intersection would have to be a contender.

What you do for a living
Graphic designer

Most memorable moment
Too many to choose from!

Person (dead or alive) that you would most like to meet and why
hmmm... Jake from Hollyoaks (bad British soap) - so hot!

A random fact (or facts) about you that not many people know
I have a majorly serious Phobia of Snakes and for all you pranksters I warn you this is not worth testing!

Favourite place in the world and why
Ask me in 2 months after I've finished my tour in Europe.

Worst drunken moment
Well... so many! Picking up the Pope would have to be up there - thanks for the reminder Sheeny!

Describe your plan to take over the world
Nah, that sounds like too much work!

If you had a superpower, what would it be?
Teleportation. Then I could visit you all whenever I wanted!

Song that you can't get out of your head
"Is this the Way to Amarillo..."

Your worst habit / idiosyncrasy
I take so long to get to the point of stories that I generally forget what it is.

Favourite quote
'A beautiful smiles captures the eye but a beautiful personality captures the heart' - borrowed from Shendelle. Oh and, 'I love Lamp!'

If you could be any kitchen utensil, what would you be and why?
Well I always liked those egg splicers that you could play music on.


Blogger Jenn said...

Carrie, sweetheart I love you but...
you need to leave this Jake thing alone.. seriously


12:25 AM

Blogger Jenn said...

Do you really love lamp Carrie? Or are you just saying that because you can see it??

12:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No I love lamp Jenny! And yes I know the Jake thing is sad but hey, well you know I don't get out much these days. Should I mention my second pick was gonna be Steve Jones? hehe

5:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get alot of mentions in ur little story Caz-mo - I LOVE IT! Ps nice work stealing my quote!

5:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Shendelley, it slipped right off your tounge and into my heart - hey there goes another one of yours!

10:04 PM


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