You have reached a franchise site of the Mop and Suzie empire, aka the Adventures of Mop and Suzie. This one's about our friends, aquaintances, losers who we happen to associate with, and perhaps some randoms that we have met along the way.

Friday, August 19, 2005


1. Your connection to Mop and/or Suz
Friends of Friends .. But thats been a while now .. so everyone is jus good friends :)

2. Your most embarrassing moment
What comes to mind is a dinner about 4 years ago .. Had bit of a crush on a friend of a friend .. long story but i happened to be left red faced n laughing it off :)

3. What you do for a living
For the time being ... Student/Market Gardener

7. Favourite place in the world and why
Perth .. Cos there's no place like home .. n everyone seems to know everyone through some kind of connection (An plus .. i havnt traveld to too many places .. )

8. Worst drunken moment
This would have to be a tie between my 21st and Rockit 2004 ..

11. If you had a superpower, what would it be?
It would be great if i could be in two places at a time ..

12. Song that you can't get out of your head
Gavin de Graw ... "I dont wanna Be"

13. Your worst habit / idiosyncrasy
I would have to say my ability to change moods in a split second (A true Gemini Trait)

14. Favourite quote (off the top of my head .. )
"When life hands you lemons ... Grab the salt and pass the tequila baby ... "

15. If you could be any kitchen utensil, what would you be and why?
haha i dont kno .. a can opener .. never kno wats inside

And finally: say something nice about us!
Hey guys .. never fail to come up with a new plan.. I have the staples to prove it .. take it easy

Sarah aka Bay aka Sis

1. Your connection to Mop and/or Suz
Mop is my little sis - bless her cotton socks

2. Your most embarrassing moment
I would have to say about 20years ago (holy crap that makes me sound old!) when I fell on our lounge room coffee table. The table had a glass top which went straight through my butt - my mum placed me butt side up on her bed so blood wouldn't go everywhere and her friends came over and each of them had to have a peek :o( I then had to bare all to the doctor who stitched it up - who also happened to be a friend of the family! Other than that most likely something I have done when incoherent.

3. What you do for a living
I am the Retail Admin Manager for a shopping centre.

4. Most memorable moment
When I was prosed to.....I imagine the next one will be the wedding hehe and er... prop when my sis was born xx

5. Person (dead or alive) that you would most like to meet and why
Marilyn Monroe - I think she would have many stories to tell that to this day have gone unknown. And my Dad's parents as the passed on before I had a chance to know them

6. A random fact (or facts) about you that not many people know
Think I have to pass on that one. Mop you could prob come up with something!
[*Ed note: She can also lick her own back lol]

7. Favourite place in the world and why
At this moment I would have to say Kalbarri as I have so many memories there (both good and bad but I wouldn't trade any of themfor the world)

8. Worst drunken moment
Falling of a bar stool in the middle of a crowded pub with nothing behind me to break the fall- OUCH!

9. Describe your plan to take over the world
Well I happen to be marrying a master strategist - so whatever he has in mind I would agree!

11. If you had a superpower, what would it be?
I would join the Jedi clan with Mops

12. Song that you can't get out of your head
At the moment Little Dune Buggy is playing on the radio and I am guessing it will be stuck in my head all day now.

13. Your worst habit / idiosyncrasy
Screwing my nose up to push my glasses back up

14. Favourite quote
'I assure you she will sink, she's made of iron sir!' Mr. Andrews from the
movie Titanic

15. If you could be any kitchen utensil, what would you be and why?
An icecream scoop?? Maybe a lemon zester??

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Your connection to Mop and/or Suz
i work with suzie at a primary school

Your most embarrassing moment
the most embarrassing thing i have done recently was in QLD in a shop with my brother and as we were leaving the security alarm started going so unbelievably loud.... everyone was looking at me funny and i didnt have a clue what was going on. i walked through the emergency exit door instead of the real door. dont know why there was one at the front of the shop anyway but yeah it was me that set the alarm off it was so hillarious.

What you do for a living
i am a teacher aide in a class full of adorable 5 year olds

Most memorable moment
most memorable moment lately was NEW YEARS in NYC '05 with a group of hot sanfransisco firemen... HOT, HOT!!!!

Favourite place in the world and why
favourite place. America. they people are great fun to hang out with and parts of the country is amazingly beautiful....


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Your connection to Mop and/or Suz
I work (in the classroom) next door to Suzie!

Your most embarrassing moment
For some reason I manage to embarrass myself infront of large groups of people either falling over or asking really stupid questions!

What you do for a living
Primary Teacher

A random fact (or facts) about you that not many people know
I have a third nipple. (no not really trying to make things sound interesting!!)

Worst drunken moment
There are quite a few! Would have to involve spewing, stacking it and just generally embarrassing myself infront of friends and complete strangers!

Everyone knows you're around around when they hear the words...
I love this song!!

If you had a superpower, what would it be?
Not getting hangovers! (Have heightened senses e.g sight, hearing (not too sure about scent!))

Song that you can't get out of your head
They change everyday but most recently and annoyingly - 'Dont you wish your girlfriends was hot like me...' Very uncool!!

Say something nice about us:
If you want to have a totally whacky, funfilled unpredictable night Mop and Suzie are the girls to see! This is often due to the extra mile they go to e.g. making everyone wear some sort of messgae, badge, decoration or accessory that can be a lot of fun when taken out in public!

Jenn aka JP

Your connection to Mop and/or Suz
I met Suzie in school and Mop thru all the other girls

Your most embarrassing moment
Well I haven't had any in recent years but when I was single I sure had more than I'd like to remember. Falling asleep in the Craic toilets for 2 hours, waking up with the imprint of the toilet seat on my forehead and then getting kicked out springs to mind. Actually any night at the Craic was usually embarrasing the next morning. Mmmm.. also something about nakedness, a Bali towel hut and a nosey security guard come to mind as well. *shudder*

What you do for a living
Admin Officer at The City Of Wanneroo

Most memorable moment
*See embarrasing moments*.. Oh.. and Sunday night when Leo proposed, I'm sure that will be memorable for ever.. everybody say "aaawww"

Person (dead or alive) that you would most like to meet and why
Homer Simpson.. he is my god.

A random fact (or facts) about you that not many people know
According to Jen I do something with my nose that is actually called a snout spasm - which she found in her crazy people text books.. so reassuring.

Favourite place in the world and why
Bali Bali Bali.. it speaks for itself doesn't it - shopping, drinking, sunshine..

Worst drunken moment
That fateful night when I threw up in Keshena's precious new car. We all know how much she loved her car.. Kellie had fed me one too many shots and I decided I need to pass out somewhere and Keshena's car it was - however mid-pass out I needed to throw up and didn't get the door open in time. I panicked, ran off and didn't tell her. I was so hideously drunk and if you could have seen me trying to wash away the puke with my little bottle of water .. oh so tragic. Mildly amusing to think about now however.

Describe your plan to take over the world
I reckon the world would be in a far worser place if I had any control

If you had a superpower, what would it be?
To stop / rewind / fast forward time..

Song that you can't get out of your head
Low Rider

Your worst habit / idiosyncrasy
Being a Nana .. haha .. and at the moment stressing about everything.

If you could be any kitchen utensil, what would you be and why?
A spoon.. I don't know why.. I just think they are an excellent weapon for hitting someone on the forehead.

Suzie & Mop

You two have the most fantastic sense of humour & your both crazy and gorgeous, who wouldn't love ya's?